DeathloopDeathloop’s third major update is available today on PlayStation 5! Game Update 3 introduces a brand-new Photo Mode, added accessibility options, unique PlayStation 5 avatars and more, all for free.

Rogue Legacy 2The first Rogue Legacy won the hearts of many a roguelike fan with a clever twist on the genre that saw failure go hand-in-hand with progress.

Age of Empires IVThe first Rogue Legacy won the hearts of many a roguelike fan with a clever twist on the genre that saw failure go hand-in-hand with progress.

Has been rated internationally
Sonic OriginsWe could be inching closer than ever to a Sonic Origins announcement, if a newly-unearthed international rating is to be believed.

Silt dives onto PS5 & PS4
SiltHi everyone! I’m Dom, programmer at Spiral Circus, and I’m really excited to share the news that our surreal underwater adventure Silt is coming to PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on June 1..

TunicOn the surface, Tunic's delightful art style and charming tone bear a striking resemblance to The Legend of Zelda series. But below its cheerily disarming exterior lies a game intent on testing your resolve. Tunic's seemingly warm and welcoming world is teeming with enemies who are all too willing to knock the stuffing out of you. Prepare to die. A lot.